Often I get the inspiration to write from conversations with my clients. Currently I have listed this beautiful 2/1 on 2111 Forest Circle , and the owner Bob is apparently impressed enough with what I have done so far to share my name with a friend of his who is considering putting his home up for sale. Thank you Bob!
Anyway, I haven't had an opportunity to speak with this friend of Bob's (which I would welcome), but it looks like he is going the "For Sale By Owner" (FSBO) route. I think this is a big mistake particularly in a buyer's market like we have now.
2111 Forest Circle Orlando 32803 |
I can think of only a couple of legitimate reasons why someone might choose to "go it alone"their to sell their house. One would be and would be if the property was being donated as charity and the other would be a transfer of a home from one member of a family to another who are on friendly terms with each other!
Other than that, I cannot for the life of me think of any other reason why someone would choose not to use a full time real estate professional- particularly one who doesn't get paid a cent until the property is sold.
Here are the top rationals I have heard from FSBO sellers through the years, and my thoughts on each one.
The Living Room- Forest Circle. |
- "I can get more money for my home by selling without a Realtor involved".
This is simply not so. The typical FSBO home sold for $153,000, the typical salesperson-assisted sold for $211,000 (NAR report, 2010). The difference on average will more than pay for commissions paid to agents used for the sale. Enough said.
- "Really all I want to do is put a sign in my yard and throw a high number out there to see if I can get it"
Well it is a whole new world out there. In the old days, if a seller and buyer both agreed to a price on a property then the banks had a better track record of loan approval regardless of the cost of the home. (part of the reason we are in the mess we are in today). Even if a FSBO convinces a buyer to put an offer in at a higher price than the house is worth, if the sale is contingent upon loan approval- the house will not appraise and chances are there will be no sale. A knowledgeable Realtor has a better chance than a seller of convincing an appraiser of the value of a home based on the "facts". Also, if an appraisal comes in short, a Realtor will have a better chance of negotiating the shortfall between buyer and seller to try to make the sale move forward.
Besides, buyers are getting wiser. They are not going to spend money out of their pockets on home inspections, loan applications etc. without knowing that the price of the home was well thought out. A Realtor can demonstrate to a potential buyer or buyer's agent that the listing price was not pulled out of thin air.
- "With "discount" fee based brokers I can get my home on the MLS....I don't need a full service real estate company."
Well this may be true, but getting it on the MLS is no longer the "end all". For one thing, there are a multitude of websites in which buyers are searching the internet on their own.... places that have nothing to do with the MLS such as Trulia.com, Realtor.com, Zillow.com etc.
Here in our Coldwell Banker office we have a list of hundreds of "web partners" in which a home that I list gets automatically uploaded to many of these sites.....many with "enhanced" listings which would cost an extra fee for a FSBO. Will a For Sale By Owner spend their time and money to advertise prominently on these websites? Doubtful. Thus, the pool of potential buyers for their property is greatly diminished. Many fee based brokers get paid up front. If I list your home, nothing gets paid to my broker until the home sells.
- "Are you kidding me! My home is worth WAY MORE than you are telling me! You just want a quick sale."
Like most homeowners, FSBOs honestly believe their own home is worth more than comparable homes in the same neighborhood. This is based on emotion and usually, they're wrong. When I suggest a listing price on a home it is based on fact- providing an update on market conditions, an assessment of the likely selling price of the home and tips for improving the home's buyer appeal. Overpricing a for-sale home is a sure way to deter potential buyers. As for the pricing the home low to get a quick sale--- a Realtor would be shooting himself in the foot to employ this tactic. A good Realtor will hope for a good sale at a good price to show off and attract other people who are considering to list their home. Listing agents who sell homes on the "cheap" don't last long in this business.
- "I don't need a buffer between the buyer and myself....the buyer would prefer to deal directly with me without having real estate agents involved on both sides."
Wrong. Potential buyers will spend less time in a for-sale home if the owner is present during the showing, and they'll be shy about discussing its pluses and minuses with their own agent if the owner is within earshot. Buyers will also be less inclined to make an offer if they know they'll be negotiating directly with the seller. Having an agent on each side creates an effective emotional buffer between the seller and buyer.
I could go on and on but as a whole, agents, given a choice will show homes that are listed as opposed to FSBO because they know that they will get paid by bringing a qualified buyer to the table (as they should be). That means the pool of potential buyers for FSBO homes is limited primarily to unrepresented and probably unqualified prospects. Dealing with a FSBO means "gray areas and murky situations" for the agent and the client. Also FSBO's are more likely to run into legal trouble. Real estate transactions are fraught with potential liability for unwary sellers, particularly in states that have extensive disclosure requirements.. A FSBO who overlooks even one required form or legally mandated disclosure could face a protracted and expensive buyer lawsuit after the transaction closes.
I do this full time. This is not a hobby for me.
I can negotiate and handle buyers concerns objectively where FSBOs cannot.
I have a pool of resources which can aid in getting the home "show ready" and others that can help a potential buyer with financing, home inspections etc.
I have experience with appraisers and how to get them to understand why your home is as valuable as it is.
In a nutshell, I believe a For Sale For Owner would not want to pay a listing agent who is isn't doing anything to sell their home but stick a sign in their yard. That makes sense! This is why any potential seller should ask for a full marketing presentation and time line from a Realtor that they might be considering. A good Realtor should be very comfortable answering "Why are you worth your listing commission?". Good question.....and a seller shouldn't hesitate in asking it.
So thank you Bob for giving me the inspiration to put into words why For Sale By Owners should at least look at the option of using a Realtor to sell their home. Granted, maybe sometime in the past a FSBO had a bad experience with an agent. But we are not all created equal!. Find an Agent (or 2) that come highly recommended, get proposals and make a decision. It certainly cannot hurt.
Do you know someone who is thinking about putting his home up for sale by owner? Perhaps you might want to put them in touch with me, or share this article with them. Also if you would like to take a look in person at 2111 Forest Circle please give me a call. Questions, comments- please do hesitate get in touch.
In a nutshell the real estate market in Orlando, Winter Park, and the surrounding areas of Orange County remains tight. Although the number of homes for sale increased slightly, "days on market" has decreased and sellers are averaging sales at 95% of list price (very high).
Is it all about location?
Still worth saying "Location, Location, Location?"
As I see it, it is the number one rule in real estate. If two homes are "created equal", and one is in an area closer to lakes, shopping, schools it would naturally be more desirable than the other yes?
Now if you feel there is still some concern about where the real estate market is headed, then the answer is definitely yes. It is Location, Location, Location. Big time.
My listing at 1002 Delaney Park Drive 32806
Such a simple rule but so often overlooked.
You can buy the right home in the wrong location. You can remodel it, you can change it, you can add to it....but you cannot pick it up and move it somewhere else. I am basically restating the thoughts and sentiments expressed
here but I see examples of this in Orlando everyday.
I guess what "Location, Location, Location" means might differ somewhat from person to person. But for many of the clients I have worked with some of the most desirable location features include:
1. Close Proximity to Oceans, Lakes and Parks
1002 Delaney Park Drive just one block away from Lake Davis |
When you think about it, there are only so many waterfront, water view, or homes just a short walk to water. Same goes for parks and recreation facilities. Limited supply leads to increased demand.
2. Highly Rated Schools
You might say that this is only important if you are looking for a home and you have school aged children. But what about when you go to sell? Your home will probably attract more potential buyers (those with children) if you are near highly regarded schools.
3. A Smaller Home In A Rich Neighborhood
Better to be
a small fish in a big pond as far as resale is concerned in most cases. You really can't lose here. A smaller home might be an opportunity for someone to gain entry into the neighborhood of their dreams.
4. Walking Distance to Restaurants and Shopping
In this day and age more people want to feel self reliant. The idea of being able to stroll to a neighborhood cafe after work would be appealing to many. Cars
do break down you know.
5. A Safe, Secure, Stable Neighborhood
Well of course you would want to know that if you did decide to stroll to a neighborhood cafe you would feel safe doing so! Not to mention the security of the home you just walked out of. Also, is the area of the property consistent? A home might be considered of greater value in an area of other similarly built homes, as opposed to a mixed usage community- homes near offices or industry.
Other "good" location features might be accessibility to hospitals, public transportation and job. Take a look at the information on my listing pictured- 1002 Delaney Park Drive in the Lake Davis district, A couple of steps from the front yard and you can see the beautiful lake!
Back to the "two homes created equal" scenario. Think of a home exactly like this one on Delaney Park Drive except located in an area of high crime, on a busy street, in a depressed area next to a paper mill! I could go on and on but hopefully you see my point.
In my humble opinion,
"Location, Location, Location!" will never change. It should and will continue to be
the most important factor when choosing a home, and without a doubt a home in a great location is well worth a premium.
For more information on Location, Location, Location and this lovely home featured please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
The following information comes from the Neighborhood Watch Unit of the Orlando Police Department--
What is Suspicious Activity?
There are many people, things and situations that might be considered suspicious. When a person's conduct or action does not fit the norm of your neighborhood, follow your intuition.
If you think or feel that something is wrong or suspicious, it probably is- CALL 9-1-1.
You should consider the following activities or persons as suspicious:
1. A person or vehicle that stays in the same place for an unusual length of time.
2. A vehicle drives around your block frequently, slowing down, speeding up, etc.
3. A person looks into cars, moving from car to car and/or tries dorr handles.
4. A car leaves or arrives from a certain location, without lights at night.
5. A person sells or conducts business out of his car, van, truck or other vehicle.
6. Continuous repair operations at a nonbusiness location (stolen property being altered).
7. Unusual noises, such as gunshots, screaming, or dogs barking continuously (burglary, assault, rape).
8. A person exhibiting unusual mental or physical symptoms (may be injured/under the influence of
drugs/may be in need of medical attention).
9. Sound of breaking glass (burglary or vandalism).
10. Going door to door in a residential area, especially if one or more goes to rear of residence (gypsies,
traveling thieves).
11. A person runs at night for no apparent reason (fleeing the scene of a crime).
12. Forcing entrance or entering an unoccupied house.
13. Heavy traffic to and from a residence if it occurs on a daily basis (drug dealing).
14. Loitering around schools, parks or secluded areas (sex offenders).
15. Offering items for sale at a very low price (trying to sell stolen property).
16. Loitering or driving through a neighborhood several times or appearing as delivery person with a
wrong address (burglary).
A suspicious activity is an occurrence that is out of place and should not be happening in your neighborhood. There could be reasonable explanations for some suspicious activities. By thinking things through, observing and using your common sense, you will be able to make a good judgement about whether an activity is suspicious or not. For the best report, write down the tag number, color and make of the car and direction of travel. Also write down a brief description of the suspicious person: race, hair color, height, build, etc. When in doubt, call 911. Let OPD investigate. If you don't call within two minutes of seeing suspicious activity, the chances are the suspect will get away.
For more information contact the Neighborhood Watch Unit of the Orlando Police Department at (407) 246- 2369. Questions? Do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
I would think that the idea of living on a beautiful Orlando lake close to restaurants, shopping, possibly work and everything else downtown would be appealing to many. Imagine your home as your vacation home- and being able to live the dream all year long? Not bad!
However not all lake front homes are created equal.
Not all Orlando lakes are created equal.
If you are in the market for a lake front home close to downtown Orlando Florida you may want to ask the following questions:
- Is the home truly "Lake Front"? There are many homes that are advertised as lake front and many of them are not. For example, a home that faces a lake is actually lake view if there is any sort of road between the house and the lake. The house might have spectacular views, but it is not true lake front property and will not be valued as such.
- What kind of lake is the home situated on? Basically, you have recreational lakes which allow skiing, and the rest that do not. From what I have seen lake homes on recreational lakes- which allow fishing, boating, skiing etc. can garner greater sales price cost per square foot than one equal in all ways (including location) but not situated on a recreational lakes. Furthermore, when I asked Kelly Kellogg, State Certified Residential Appraiser she said there was no comparison because "a skiable lake is not comparable to a small lake which is not skiable".
What kind of public access does the lake have? If you look at the
City of Orlando Lake Finder Map you can search each of the lakes downtown. Click on one and you will see the different ways the public may or may not access the lake. For example, if you click on Lake Silver you will see that there is no fishing, boating, and no public park access whatsoever. This means, unless you are a resident surrounding Lake Silver, you will not be able to access its 70 acres of skiable lake. Yet less than a mile away is Lake Fairview for which the city allows public access for fishing, boating and public parks. You might come to the conclusion that a home on a private lake would be considered more valuable than one equal in all ways to one that is "open to the public".
My advice is to find out the answers to these questions if you are pursuing lake front property. If you have any questions, or would like to see our beautiful listing at
1225 Bryn Mawr in College Park please get in touch.
The idea of owning a custom designed built home would be very appealing to today’s home buyers. By definition, a custom home is one that is especially designed to meet the needs and desires of the one who commissioned it. What could be better than that?
Consider this. What if homes that were commissioned by renowned designers or an acclaimed custom home builder, built to meet their specifications as their own personal residence came on the market?....
"Parade of Homes" winner- 1401 Green Cove Road Winter Park |
I would imagine such homes would be given immeasurable amounts of consideration by a savvy buyer and here is why-
● Designers and Builders have access to materials that you and I might not have access to. They have ongoing relationships with craftsmen and vendors who might make available higher quality commercial grade materials for them- their professional colleagues than the norm available to the general consumer. Certainly a vendor or craftsmen would be eager to bring the “A-game” to a personal residence project on behalf of the people with whom they have a well established business relationship. After all, it is an incredible chance to “show their stuff” to people with great influence. It would only make sense that a vendor or contractor, under these circumstances, would utilize only the finest materials, their best design and top employees.
● Often times, personal residences of builders/ designers also becomes a showplace of their work and inspiration. Knowing this, vendors often initiate calls to leaders in the building and design industry hoping to land their top end products or appliances in these personal homes so they can be shown off and displayed. A home of this caliber might be a serious contender for awards in design. This was the case of my current listing,
1401 Green Cove Road in Winter Park. Originally built by Tatro Custom Home Builders LLC to be lived in by their family, the home was so compelling it won 2 awards in the 2009 Parade of Homes including first place. Since the home was both a personal residence and a show home, owners Don and Lisa Tatro knew they needed to utilize the very latest products which are on the forefront of technology and that quality was imperative.
A kitchen designed like no other- 275 E Webster Ave Winter Park |
● Naturally, builders and designers have a better understanding of the latest trends, availability and quality of the products on the market today. In the case of another listing of mine,
275 East Webster Avenue in Winter Park, the world renowned design team of Joan and Roland DesCombes chose to surround themselves with the most effective and efficient products possible. It’s reasonable to think there won’t be any “skimping” or cutting corners in a residence that they built specifically for their personal use.
● Of course if you were to purchase a home built by a professional, you have now received their special skills, knowledge base, time and expertise for free.
● Yet another benefit, and this can be monumental- you wouldn’t be forced to wait months or possibly years for architects to sketch, contractors to show up (hopefully) , and a home to be built.
You may find that a home like this in a perfect location could be better than anything you have ever imagined.
Here is the raw data- it certainly is a mouthful! If you have any questions or comments feel free to get in touch.
Market Pulse- Orlando Regional Realtors Association January 2011