I dissuade my sellers from having me present verbal offers to them. On our Coldwell Banker listing agreements a seller must "check" to have these offers presented. I say "don't check" even though a seller may find it tempting to do so.
First off, a verbal offer is not binding in any way shape or form. So why have it presented? Second, usually a verbal offer is basically a "drive by" who barks out a price with absolutely no conditions attached. A verbal offer can look one way, but it can turn out to something different with many details omitted. Examples- will there be a home inspection? Is this a cash deal? Closing date?
Third, writing up an offer takes time and effort. If someone from the buyer's side doesn't want to take the time to put together an offer for an important investment like a home purchase...how serious are they? When I am representing a buyer I will always write up my offer on behalf of my client because I want the seller to know that we mean business....even if the offer price is way off the list price.
Finally, a verbal offer is way too murky. It can result in a game of "he said/she said" that will lead to frustration and end up going no where.
So listen to the "King" (Elvis that is)..... because......talk is cheap. :)
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Articles by Michael Gonick,
sellers strategy,
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Well for the most part, as with the other areas of Orlando we have reviewed recently, Colonialtown and the rest of zip code 32803 are showing positive signs that real estate trends are moving in the right direction. Sold properties are up 47% from last year, and homes pending are up 89% over the same period. With June being the final month to close on properties utilizing the $8,000 tax credit, as well as the continuation of lower interest rates, buyers who may have been sitting on the fence seem to making their move.
Any questions, or if I can be of any assistance in buying or selling real estate please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
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orlando real estate,
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