MICHAEL GONICK REALTOR- Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate.
The following information comes from the Neighborhood Watch Unit of the Orlando Police Department--
What is Suspicious Activity?
There are many people, things and situations that might be considered suspicious. When a person's conduct or action does not fit the norm of your neighborhood, follow your intuition.
If you think or feel that something is wrong or suspicious, it probably is- CALL 9-1-1.
You should consider the following activities or persons as suspicious:
1. A person or vehicle that stays in the same place for an unusual length of time.
2. A vehicle drives around your block frequently, slowing down, speeding up, etc.
3. A person looks into cars, moving from car to car and/or tries dorr handles.
4. A car leaves or arrives from a certain location, without lights at night.
5. A person sells or conducts business out of his car, van, truck or other vehicle.
6. Continuous repair operations at a nonbusiness location (stolen property being altered).
7. Unusual noises, such as gunshots, screaming, or dogs barking continuously (burglary, assault, rape).
8. A person exhibiting unusual mental or physical symptoms (may be injured/under the influence of
drugs/may be in need of medical attention).
9. Sound of breaking glass (burglary or vandalism).
10. Going door to door in a residential area, especially if one or more goes to rear of residence (gypsies,
traveling thieves).
11. A person runs at night for no apparent reason (fleeing the scene of a crime).
12. Forcing entrance or entering an unoccupied house.
13. Heavy traffic to and from a residence if it occurs on a daily basis (drug dealing).
14. Loitering around schools, parks or secluded areas (sex offenders).
15. Offering items for sale at a very low price (trying to sell stolen property).
16. Loitering or driving through a neighborhood several times or appearing as delivery person with a
wrong address (burglary).
A suspicious activity is an occurrence that is out of place and should not be happening in your neighborhood. There could be reasonable explanations for some suspicious activities. By thinking things through, observing and using your common sense, you will be able to make a good judgement about whether an activity is suspicious or not. For the best report, write down the tag number, color and make of the car and direction of travel. Also write down a brief description of the suspicious person: race, hair color, height, build, etc. When in doubt, call 911. Let OPD investigate. If you don't call within two minutes of seeing suspicious activity, the chances are the suspect will get away.
For more information contact the Neighborhood Watch Unit of the Orlando Police Department at (407) 246- 2369. Questions? Do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
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